Pegasus Schools ...committed to safeguarding...every child matters...

Our Curriculum

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Pegasus schools runs a dual curriculum (British and Nigerian curricula) leading students to the WASSCE and IGCSE examinations. Our teachers are specialists in their subjects and are committed to transferring knowledge using modern education tools and techniques in doing so.

It is our utmost concern that students enjoy the learning process and actively seek out more information on their subject areas to broaden their understanding of each lesson. Under the leadership of the Director of Studies, great attention is given to the resources, curriculum and planning process of our academic programmes.

Internal Assessments

Assignments and projects are given to students regularly to encourage the culture of research, team work and personal development. Team projects are greatly encouraged to foster the spirit of leadership and team work among our students. Students undergo a compulsory terminal examination to test their academic standpoint enabling teachers know what their strong points are and areas that need improvement before various qualifying external examinations commence.

External Assessments

External examinations taken by our students include the West African Senior Secondary School Certificate examination (WASSCE) taken in class 12 and Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations.
All students’ assessments are done independently with zero tolerance for examination misconduct. Students are supported through intervention methods after all internal assessments in preparation for external assessments that will qualify students for progression to university. Our classes are small to encourage one on one learning experience between teacher and students.


Primary School

  • Mathematics

  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Comprehension

  • Agricultural Science
  • Basic Science

  • Computer Studies

  • French

  • Geography
  • Civic Education
  • Social Studies
  • History

  • Verbal
  • Quantitative

  • Basket Ball
  • Tennis
  • Athletics
  • Football
  • Volleyball

  • Music
  • Fine Art

High School

  • Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics

  • English Language
  • Literature

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • General Science

  • Computer Studies
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Data Processing

  • French
  • Yoruba
  • Igbo
  • Ibibio

  • Geography
  • Civic Education
  • Social Studies
  • Government
  • History

  • Agricultural Science
  • Basic Technology
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Home Economics
  • Garment Making
  • Catering Craft Practice

  • Business Studies
  • Commerce
  • Economics
  • Accounting/Book Keeping

  • Basket Ball
  • Tennis
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Athletics
  • Football
  • Volleyball

  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Technical Drawing

Our system undergoes rigorous modifications to adopt the best methods of developing our students. One of these methods being our newly launched E- learning platform that will grant our students access to learning materials virtually. We are always learning on how best to transfer knowledge, guide our students and prepare them for a fast changing and highly competitive world. Their successes is our honour.

Pastoral Care

In our quest for excellence, the focus in Pegasus Schools is not restricted to training only academically outstanding students. We are concerned with the personal, social, moral and cultural development of every child. This births individuals that are prepared to function independently, diligently and with integrity at all times.
At Pegasus, students hold leadership positions both representing the class and the student body. They are selected based on merit and display of exemplary traits in both learning and character. This does not stop the assignment of duties to other students to teach them how to take responsibility and manage themselves and others accordingly.

Meet the Team

  1. Designated Safety Officers (DSO) trained and certified by the Saffron Social Development Global Foundation:
    • Handle parents and students’ safety, guidance and counselling concerns.
    • Ensure that all staff comply with the school’s child safety policy
    • Hold trainings for staff on child psychology and people management
    • Ensure school bus drivers, bus assistants and other service providers in the school are qualified and fit to work with students
    • Handle students’ behaviour management
    • Enforce our anti-bullying policy
  2. Head Teacher/ Principal:
    • Supervision of all teachers intermittently during class hours to monitor interaction between students and teachers
    • They assess students’ behaviour and caution, commend or counsel where necessary
  3. Recovery Bay Nurse:
    • At the point of admission, parents are given the options of their children receiving first aid by the school nurse where necessary before transfer to preferred hospital or immediate transfer to parents’ hospital of choice
    • Assist parents monitor recovering students medication whenever necessary during school hours
    • Works with class teachers to investigate if poor performance in any student may be caused by poor mental or physical health

Irrespective of designated staff in supervision of student’s welfare, all staff are responsible for the development of students.

Our school is a Christian school but welcoming of other Faiths.
Morning prayers are said every morning at the commencement of classes for the day and at the close of school daily.


Our pupils at the EYFS stage to Key stage 2 are engaged in a number of extra- curricular activities that take place during or after school activities. Pupils are encouraged to join at least 1 club in the school. Our list of clubs are subject to changes per session.

Our clubs include: Music, Girls Guide, Boys Scout, Athletics, Brownies, Red Cross, Press and Dance.

Our pupils at the EYFS stage to Key stage 2 are engaged in a number of extra- curricular activities that take place during or after school activities. Pupils are encouraged to join at least 1 club in the school. Our list of clubs are subject to changes per session.

Our clubs include: Music, Orchestra, Girls Guide, Red Cross, Dance, Press, Basketball, Design Technology, Athletics, Table tennis, Drama, Volleyball and Football.

Upcoming Events/School Session Calendar

16 September
School Resumes


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British Council
Cambridge IGSE
Leader in me

Pegasus Schools ...committed to safeguarding...every child matters...