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Pegasus Schools 18th inter-house sports

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26 Nov
Pegasus Schools 18th inter-house sports

Pegasus Schools 18th inter-house sports

On November 26, 2022, the 18th inter-house sporting event was held at Pegasus Schools. "The Race of Unlimited Abilities" was the event's theme. Four houses battled as usual for the top honour. Before the day of inter-house sports, certain competitions were finished during the heat, which ran from August 8 to August 24.
Pegasus Schools 18th inter-house sports

On November 26, 2022, the 18th inter-house sporting event was held at Pegasus Schools. "The Race of Unlimited Abilities" was the event's theme. Four houses battled as usual for the top honour.


Before the day of inter-house sports, certain competitions were finished during the heat, which ran from August 8 to August 24.


This included football, some track and field competitions, chess, scrabble, and table tennis. The bad weather made the heat last longer than it should have.


The morning of the grand finale, students and teachers arrived in stunning attire to take part in the event and observe the closing ceremony. A march-past, a sack-and-ball race, an obstacle race, a 200-meter race, and a medley relay race were a few of the events that were on the schedule that day. educators in the school, parents,

The head of schools, the director of studies, the high school principal, the primary school headteacher, the facilities manager, and the PTA chairman all attended the ceremony. Teachers, staff employees who did not teach, parents, and other visitors were also there.

In order to help the school's sports committee, officiate the event, sportsmen from outside the Pegasus community were present. Additionally prepared to offer first aid services was the Red Cross Society of the school.


The announcement of the winning houses and the distribution of cups to them marked the high point of the event. Additionally, victors of the races for parents, teachers, and janitors were given prizes. The contest's final outcome was as follows:


Pegasus Schools ...committed to safeguarding...every child matters...