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Pegasus schools boarding services

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11 Sep
Pegasus schools boarding services

Pegasus schools boarding services

The boarding program at Pegasus schools is an exceptional option for students who are looking for a supportive and enriching living and learning experience.
Pegasus schools boarding services

The boarding program at Pegasus schools is an exceptional option for students who are looking for a

supportive and enriching living and learning experience. It offers personalised attention, a vibrant

and inclusive community, and a strong academic program. The matron and staff are always available

to help students navigate the challenges of living away from home, and the diversity of the student

body adds to its richness. The academic program is also a key aspect of the boarding experience,

with rigorous academic and dedicated teachers. The boarding program also provides students with

ample opportunities to explore their passions and interests through a variety of extracurricular


Overall, the boarding system at Pegasus Schools commenced on September 11, 2022, with ten

students - five boys and five girls - being welcomed warmly and given a brief orientation by the Head

of Schools, Mrs Lewis and other members of staff.

Boarders enjoy spacious and air-conditioned rooms, neatly equipped bathrooms and restrooms, and

a common room with satellite television and many indoor games. Activities during the weekends

include health talks, morality talks, special tutorial classes, sports activities, skill acquisition sessions,

and leadership training such as LIM (Leader in me).

The school provides top-notch catering services, where boarders are fed a balanced diet three times

a day, and a tuckshop where students can buy food or other necessities using the money their

parents have pre-paid.

The spiritual side is not overlooked, as boarders are encouraged to spend daily quiet time and on

Sundays and Fridays, church services and Bible studies are also offered. The hostel experience has

been excellent since its inception and promises to be even better in the future.

Pegasus Schools ...committed to safeguarding...every child matters...